Guitar Tutorial CDs in India

Discussion in 'Guitar Lessons, Tutorials & Tips' started by floyd&vodka, Jul 3, 2006.

  1. g0g0l

    g0g0l ! SpAm

    ^^^I learnt it wen i was a beginner... I got the VDO wen my "guitar learning" woz a month old. Since that day, I never had to look back....
    It's seven months since i have learnt it and i don't think i play it too badly....
    Hope u understand........Newayz, i don't want to spam anymore, let's come to the subject now................
  2. raviknt

    raviknt New Member

    Download 'Learn and Master Guitar' 20 DVDs from torrent client from the net. I am learning from it and its very very good, tried because of its very good reviews on the net. There are many jamming tracks plus PDF files included for good solid foundation. Also download 'Jamorama' for it has some good software for ear training and basic music theory games.

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