Guitar Chord Formation?

Discussion in 'Beginner's Q&A Forum' started by metalhead, May 20, 2007.

  1. metalhead

    metalhead New Member


    I was taught chord formation; after having my teacher explained this twice, i still have few doubts. so i thought maybe guys here can help me out.

    Here is what i understood:

    a chord is formed from its repective scale.
    a chord is named after its root note?
    every major chord consists C - E - G notes.
    every Minor chord consists C - D# - G notes.
    Every 7th Chord consists C - E - G + Bflat.

    now all notes in these chord formation are assumed, as in practically they are not C, E or G, in major chord but we assume them so to form a chord. this is where i am most confused.

    now if i were to form a D major chord and take D note from 7th fret on Lower E string. how would recognise the scale and other notes?

    i dont know if i have expianed it clearly. please ask if any doubt. i am kinda stuck on this. Thanks.
  2. saurabhrocks

    saurabhrocks New Member

    go shoot ur teacher!!

    he's teaching u crap, he is telling u the notes of the c chord,

    a chord contains alternating notes from a major or minor scale the first third and the fifth.

    anyway all this is too long for me to type.
    i'm giving u links may be u'll get some help, or maybe somebody else will post some thing for u

    u may find the above articles boring and long, but there is shortcut to success, read them maybe it will take u 2 days. but at least u'll be clear in the concept.
    and people like ur teacher should take lessons themselves before teaching others...
  3. saurabhrocks

    saurabhrocks New Member

  4. saurabhrocks

    saurabhrocks New Member

    i see what ur teacher means,

    a major scale is made like this


    [whole diatance means,a distance of two frets, like from 1 to the 3rd fret]

    [and half means like from 1st to 2nd fret]

    now the root note can be any note c, d e etc. but no matter what scale u
    play the progression will sound the same.(although the pitch will be higher or lower,try it urself,
    u'll get a clearer picture)

    the sa re ga ma in indian style.

    so what we play is only relative scale.there is no thing as absolute scale.
    we can tell one scale from another just by comparing it with other one.

    ok no more details
    so what ur teacher means is that no matter what scale u play,
    u shud suppose the root note to be c
    (although that is wrong) that way every time the notes of the chord will be c e and g.

    he means u suppose the scale to be a c(major or minor) and find out the notes c e and g .
    and that will make a chord.
    he is technically right, but this cud be confusing.

    i recommend that u remember it this way,
    that a chord is made up by first third and the fifth note.
    that way u'll not get confused.

    and a minor scale is made like this
    root -whole-half-whole- whole-half-whole - whole

    *(in some places the whole note is also called a tone and half note is called a semi tone)
  5. zing

    zing Machine Head

    only one correction - made in red
    u get the other notes by shifting the notes of C major by 2 frets (because D is C +2frets) ...
    C + 2 frets, E + 2frets, G+2frets
    so thats D,F#,A

    (btw E string 7th fret is B)
  6. thehundredthone

    thehundredthone Well-Known Member

    The 7th fret on the Lower E is not a D! It's a B! :shock:

    Here's a way to look at it.
    The basic chord formulae are:
    1. Major chord: Root, (major) 3rd and (perfect) 5th - 1 3 5
    2. Minor chord: Root, minor 3rd and 5th - 1 b3 5
    3. Diminished chord: Root, minor 3rd, diminished 5th - 1 b3 b5
    4. Augmented chord: Root, 3rd, augmented 5th - 1 3 #5

    So your B major consists of B E and F#

    For the B major (in the order root, 3rd, 5th) you would need to play this

    The 9th fret on the 4th string is your root, whereas the 9th fret on the 5th string is the perfect 5th; and the 8th fret on the 3rd string is your major 3rd. So you have the notes B, F#, B and E.

    Now consider this:
    M3 = 4 half steps from the previous note
    m3 = 3 half steps from the previous note
    1. Major chord: (Root) M3 m3
    2. Minor chord: m3 M3
    3. Diminished chord: m3 m3
    4. Augmented chord: M3 M3

    So using this you can form any of the 4 basic triad chords. Soon enough you will realise why chord inversions are essential on a guitar ;)

    There isn't really a question of scale, because a D major chord, is, unsurprisingly made from the notes of the D major scale. However the key would be something to consider because then you can use the scale of the key to solo (the simplest way). To find the key you need to identify the other note.

    As for recognising the other notes, read above :)

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