give an advice 2 above member,itz a game

Discussion in 'The ChitChat Lounge' started by nivedi, Mar 5, 2007.

  1. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    There'll be no correcting that title, thank you very much :cool:

  2. sanju_strings

    sanju_strings 50 Pai$e <3V/S<3 50 CeNt$

  3. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    You were expecting your fairy Godmother?
  4. basit_jaaaani

    basit_jaaaani I'm gUnnin' fer uuu

    advise to the topic owner:
    Why don't you start designing forum games and use em to kill your time.
    seems like you got lots of it.
  5. Petunia

    Petunia terminally dorky

    Perhaps you can get a life? :cool:
  6. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    perhaps you can lose yours and be online more?

  7. zicky5608

    zicky5608 Power Shortage

    Perhaps you should listen to ma advice? :'(
  8. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    I'm far too lazy to. Image search Gazoo and change my avatar if you're that needy else pipe down.
  9. Petunia

    Petunia terminally dorky

    ^^ LOL..i know hun.. Ive been a bad [boy] .. Life's been a bi.tch, but Im trying to get back on here more..

    My advice to you: come and join mine [;)].. No but the man that you are, dui.. you :rock: ma world. And dont let anyone tell you to do otherwise. Dont ever change.
  10. Petunia

    Petunia terminally dorky

    @ Zicky: Or AJ.. whatever the hell you call yourself: My name better be on that list (you know what im talking about) the next time i see you post .. you dig?? :cool:

    Hell, you know im kidding right? :)
  11. notty_lad

    notty_lad sudo undress

    Advice? Can we rather give a kiss here? ;)
  12. Petunia

    Petunia terminally dorky

    Bwuahah ^^ Naw, notty.. i dont dig virtual crap.. :cool:
  13. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    aww, looks like somebody needs an anti-emo pill.

    hah, I can be a bitch when Im being me :cool:

    hmm, advice for notty_lad?
    d00d, sunshine ain't half-bad. Do away with the goggles.
  14. notty_lad

    notty_lad sudo undress

    ^A virtual banter never hurts ..
  15. Petunia

    Petunia terminally dorky

    @bjr: Hehe.. actually i could really use one of those right about now...:S

    @notty: so it never did. :grin:...b.r.i.n.g. i.t. o.n.
  16. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    if you dance at dawn, do the pirate boogie.
  17. zicky5608

    zicky5608 Power Shortage

    Yes, yes. Call me AJ and I will preserve your name in my list. Although I could add you to the 2nd one which has only 1 name :p
  18. Petunia

    Petunia terminally dorky

    ^^ Thats cool. I bite.. so you might not want me on that second list :grin:

    And thnks, ive finally found a purpose to life..
  19. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening


  20. zicky5608

    zicky5608 Power Shortage

    I like bites..

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