fingure position on fretboard

Discussion in 'Beginner's Q&A Forum' started by mukeshrathod15, Jun 24, 2009.

  1. mukeshrathod15

    mukeshrathod15 New Member

    Dear all

    can anyone help to tell me that what position of finger is standard for playing scale
    or is it fix finger for perticular notes

    if yes please tell me chart which shows finger position on fretboard

    Mukesh rathod
  2. saurabhrocks

    saurabhrocks New Member

    i can't understand u properly.

    actually there r no particular fingers assinged to notes on the fret board,
    ur index frets the first fret,ur middle the second and so on...

    when u play a chord the fingering is given with the chord diagram.

    if u meant to ask sumthing else,plz be more clear.

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