Fields of Gold (incomplete) and new original!

Discussion in 'IGT Soundtrack - Your Band, Your Gig, Your Music' started by Fatima, May 12, 2009.

  1. Fatima

    Fatima Talent Unlimited <img src="images/smilies/worthy.g

    Hey guys,

    Sorry I haven't been around for aaaages. No way to record - so these have been recorded on my phone! Which surprisingly has pretty good audio when you make a video with it hmm..

    So anyway I've done a snippet of Fields of Gold, and then this new song I wrote which is yet to be named (any suggestions welcome)

    Fields of Gold -

    Untitled Original -

    Would be cool to know what you think :)

    Thank you!!


  2. vstanv

    vstanv New Member

    hey! such good voice uve got!
    ...ur song was nice, wud've been even better with a transition and an additional progression, so that it doesnt sound the same throughout.
  3. sukrut

    sukrut God Guitarist

    need i say more???
  4. faiqrock

    faiqrock XaiQ

    Wish i was there to record these beauties n trust me u would have loved your voice even more :p
    Awesome work... ;)
  5. absolutely_neo

    absolutely_neo New Member

    amazing talent. both in vocal as well as guitar.

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