fancy chords demystified

Discussion in 'Guitar Lessons, Tutorials & Tips' started by zing, Mar 3, 2006.

  1. zing

    zing Machine Head

    complex chords made simple!!

    if ur intimidated by complex soundin chordz then theres a simple way out - the basic idea here is that if u know just ur major & minor scales u can CONSTRUCT any chord without memorizing ANY “shapes” - while these chords r more common in jazz/blues u can use it 2 add sum flavour to n e thing..... also learnin how to construct chords rather than jsut playin shapes blind wil help to create play chords in a context not just as standalone pieces.....disclaimer: not exactly my original work but mostly thru books like playin guitar n sitez like

    1 b3 b5 b7  	minor 7b5 or half diminished 7 	C Eb Gb Bb 
    1 b3 b5 bb7(6) Diminished 7 			C Eb Gb Bbb(A) 
    1 3 #5 7  	Augmented 7 or major 7 aug/# 5	C E G# B 
    1 3 #5 b7  	7 aug/# 5			C E G# Bb 

    most chords r triads & sevenths made from 1, 4, 5 and 7th notes. but u can also mess around with 2, 4 and 6th notes.

    Added ninth [by adding 2nd note – called ninth to avoid confusing with second [inversion]. The 2/9 below implies u can play either the 2nd note or its octave i.e. the 9th note – called added ninth to avoid confusing with extended ninth

    1 3 5 2/9	Added ninth or add9			C E G D	
    1 b3 5 2/9 	Minor added ninth or minor add9		C Eb G D

    Suspended fourth or just suspended [4th replaces 3rd note in triad]
    1 4 5		sus4 or sus			C F G	
    1 4 5 b7	7sus4 or 7-4			C F G Bb  
    Sixth [6th note added to triad]

    1 3 5 6		sixth or 6			C E G A
    1 b3 5 6	minor sixth or m6		C Eb G A
    1 3 5 6 9	maj sixth add 9 or 6/9		C E G A D
    1 b3 5 6 9	min sixth add 9 or m6/9	C Eb G A D
    1 3 5 6 b7	six seven or 6/7		C E G A Bb
    1 4 5 6 b7	six seven sus or 6/7sus	C F G A Bb 
    1 b3 5 6 b7	min six seven or m6/7		C Eb G A Bb
    1 b3 5 6 b7 11/4	min six seven eleven or m6/7/11	C Eb G A Bb F
    Extended chords
    Adding 2, 4 and 6th notes that are an octave higher than the 1, 3, 5, 7th notes gives extended chords – called ninths, elevenths and thirteenths respectively.

    basic ninth
    created by adding ninth note [i.e. octave of 2nd note of scale] to seventh chords
    1 3 5 b7 9	ninth or 9			C E G Bb D
    1 3 5 7 9	major ninth or maj9		C E G B D
    1 b3 5 b7 9	minor ninth or m9		C Eb G Bb D
    altered ninth
    instead of playing 3, 5, 7, 9th notes as above, u can alter them [sharp/flat]

    1 3 5 b7 b9	seven flat nine or 7-9		C E G Bb Db
    1 3 5 b7 #9	seven aug nine or 7+9		C E G Bb D#
    1 3 b5 b7 #9	seven aug nine dim five or 7+9-5	C E Gb Bb D#
    1 b3 b5 b7 9	min nine dim five or m9-5	C Eb Gb Bb D
    1 3 b5 b7 9	nine dim five or 9-5		C E Gb Bb D
    1 3 b5 b7 b9	seven flat nine dim five or 7-9-5	C E Gb Bb Db
    1 3 #5 b7 #9	seven aug nine aug five or 7+9+5 C E G# Bb D#
    1 b3 5 7 9	min/maj 9			C Eb G B D
    1 3 #5 7 9	maj nine aug five or maj9+5	C E G# B D
    1 3 #5 b7 9	nine aug five or 9+5		C E G# Bb D
    1 3 #5 b7 b9	seven flat nine aug five 7-9+5	C E G# Bb Db
    1 b3 5 b7 b9	min seven flat nine		C Eb G Bb Db
    created by adding eleventh note [i.e. octave of 4th note of scale] to ninth chord

    dominant eleventh
    1 3 5 b7 9 11		eleventh or 11		C E G Bb D F
    1 3 5 b7 11		seven eleven or 7/11	C E G Bb F
    1 3 5 b7 b9 11		eleven dim nine or 11-9	C E G Bb Db F
    1 3 5 b7 9 #11		seven aug eleven or 7+9	C E G Bb D F#

    major eleventh
    1 3 5 7 9 #11		maj nine aug eleven or maj9+11	C E G B D F#
    1 3 5 7 #11		maj seven aug eleven or maj7+11	C E G B F#
    1 3 5 #11		added aug eleven or add+11	C E G F#
    minor eleventh
    1 b3 5 b7 9 11		min eleven or m11	C Eb G Bb D F
    1 b3 5 b7 11		min seven eleven or m7/11C Eb G Bb F
    created by adding thirteenth note [i.e. octave of 6th note of scale] to eleventh chord – this gives seven notes so one note has to be left our – usually 9th or 11th

    dominant thirteenth
    1 3 5 b7 9 11 13	thirteenth or 13		C E G Bb D F A
    1 3 5 b7 b9 11 13	thirteen dim nine or 13-9	C E G Bb Db F A
    1 3 5 b7 #9 11 13	thirteen aug nine or 13+9	C E G Bb D# F A
    1 4 5 b7 9 13		thirteen suspended or 13sus	C F G Bb D A
    1 3 5 b7 9 #11 13	thirteen aug eleven or 13+11	C E G Bb D F# A
    major thirteenth
    1 3 5 7 9 11 13	major thirteen or maj13		C E G B D F A
    minor thirteenth
    1 b3 5 b7 9 11 13	minor thirteen or m13		C Eb G Bb D F A
    1 b3 5 9 11 13		minor thirteen eleven or m13/11	C Eb G D F A
    sayanakaharry likes this.
  2. sayanakaharry

    sayanakaharry Forum Leader

    very good job. surprised to see no replies. reps for you zing. :)
  3. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    I looked through it when I moderated so didn't check again to reply. Awesome post. I haven't proofread it or anything though.
  4. dennis

    dennis The Bhangra King

    Yeah, nice work. Im learning theory these days, i guess itll act as a good quick reference.
  5. zing

    zing Machine Head

    thnx guyz glad u found it useful
  6. slash_i_m

    slash_i_m Laid to Rest

    great work zing as always.
  7. magicalaks

    magicalaks New Member

    yeah... thanks a lot!!!!
  8. good work zing...thankx a lot for posting...
  9. rdxpanakj

    rdxpanakj New Member


    good job ! nice work
    thankx a lot for posting
  10. ToneZappa

    ToneZappa Member

    Thats a lot of work you put into that post...... really, really good work, thanks for posting.

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