nice idea shs! Alright, i know there are a few Extreme Metal fans lurking around these boards, gahter around and ye shall discuss.
Thanks for this. Now i can feel at home in one thread in IGT all the time. If you like multiple bassists playing in a band ( the sound) Check out matando Gueros from brujeria. They got 3 bass guitars and 2 seven strings.
damn, i've heard about that band. Im sure its pretty "bassy". Theres this one song i heard about featuring Steven Digiorgio and Sean Mallone trading basslines, if such song exists, i REALLY want to check it out. Hey you ever hear of the band Martyr? Another popular Canadian band hailing from the Quebecois area. Also, Dan Mongrain, their extremely talented vocalist and lead guitarist, filled in for Jon Levasseur when he lft Cryptopsy, but this was only for a couple of live shows. Im sure the new album would have been much better if Dan stayed in the band permanently.
Nice band. Its cool how the vocalist goes from yelling to growling, or is it 2 people? Nice leads too. Sort of like dillinger escape plan playing death metal. And by the way Brujeria has Dino cazares on the guitars.
They got a myspace profile:
nice stuff. Odd time signatured grindcore. How do you know all these bands? And how can you make sticky threads?
I'm always searching for bands, i search on Myspace, Metal Storm and etc. you make the thread and you buy the sticky option in the forums' store.
Anyone knows where you can get cds, mp3s, whatever.. of the vedic metal band called the Aryan march( ? I checked out the band called rudra and it wasnt bad. This is the link for that band:
Hahaha, if it sounds good, i listen to it. To me, such bands like Ion Dissonance (i've spoken with one of the guitarists a long time ago on MIRC, when they were still a garage band) sound good. Why? Any reccomendations?
MIRC is an internet relay chat client. i used to use it a while back. Reccomendations as in, any bands with simmilar style you can reccomend?
Just that you like tech metal and the name "meshuggah" never pops up. Quite heavy and complex (insane polyrythmics). but almost doesnt have a bass. Either downtuned 7 strings (2 of them) or downtuned 8 strings (2 or 3 of them). they have nothing to do with emotion at all. And they have crazy leads. That would be my recommendation.
lol you kids and your extreme metal. Anyway Meshuggah has odd time signatures. Something about the drummer keeping time with his hands (snare, hi-hat, toms) and playing weird time structures with his feet (bass drums). God knows. Dillinger Escape Plan are supposed to be similar but I cannot unfortunately stand such music. Among experimental metal I have heard Fantomas' album Suspended Animation. I thought it sucked (or maybe I was too stupid to get the experimentation part of it) but you might like it. Also look out for tech-death hybrid bands like Atheist (founders of jazz-death), Pestilence (in particular their album Spheres), Cynic or Spiral Architect.
Thanks for the tech death bands. And yes meshuggah's drummer does 4/4s with his hands and *insert wierdo time signature* on his feet. Why cant you stand such music? Does it make headbanging harder? Your first sentence was like a windows xp screensaver on a imac.
Hey want some real kick ass metal stuffs check out IRC criten #DFC-ALBUMS ..... U can get most of the great stuffs ... I got some trauma stuffs too ...... But b4 this tell me what is exactly extreme for ya ppl !!!!!
The timing for Meshuggah's kick drums is usually 13/7 (I think). And I can't stand music like that because I find it too heavy and devoid of melody. Melody in my music is very important. Even among death metal bands like Nile, I don't like their straight up death songs (eg. my favorite is To Dream Of Ur which has plenty of traditional Egyptian instruments). I absolutely despise hardcore death metal and grindcore. On the other hand I am a huge jazz fan. In retrospect I'd say my nickname here on IGT is misleading because I don't really like strict death metal.