Calling All from Bangalore....

Discussion in 'The ChitChat Lounge' started by Nanda, Dec 19, 2005.

  1. hindiRox

    hindiRox Banned

    ^^^ You should give Mike a call.. He's a good drummer.. For you side project..
  2. Nanda

    Nanda Bassist

    hey thats cool ... But I am seriously not good ... But ronnie is ... So i dont want too much of attitude guys .. This is just a fun project .. So if he ok also its fine ... Could u give me some more details about him ?
  3. hindiRox

    hindiRox Banned

    Attached Files:

  4. ronnieanand

    ronnieanand n00bier th@n th0u

    Not my project. It's Nanda's Band. Talk to Him.
  5. ronnieanand

    ronnieanand n00bier th@n th0u

    I rejected him. He cannot even hold a simple 4/4 beat in time ;) .
  6. alpha1

    alpha1 I BLUES!

    ^ Probably the reason why he tries playing off beat time signatures.
  7. Nanda

    Nanda Bassist

    Dude .. just when i start getting a good opinion on u why do u do this time and again to prove u r a jerk !
  8. hindiRox

    hindiRox Banned

    ^^^ Nah.. Just a little joke... Call me up i actually have a few contacts...

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