Brick by Brick

Discussion in 'Poetry and Lyrics Forum' started by monica_decosta, Apr 26, 2012.

  1. monica_decosta

    monica_decosta Active Member

    Brick By brick

    ..Nothing happens in a day
    brick by brick my friend..

    suddenly the lonlyness
    is the play ground
    play with the mud
    the rug
    the lethargy
    taste the sweat
    toss the troubles
    the now is the only memory
    the task is the only repose
    just a journey
    with a begning and "the end"

    ..Nothing happens in a day
    brick by brick my friend..
  2. horsesmouth

    horsesmouth Active Member

    Ah, does it mean living in the present, or a methodment towards some goal? or both?
    I just got confused..
  3. monica_decosta

    monica_decosta Active Member

    it means nothing in life happens fast .. its all a booring methodical ..process oriented shit !!!

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