Hey my fellow musicians...

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by phr00zen, Nov 8, 2007.

  1. phr00zen

    phr00zen New Member

    Hey people...

    I am soooo glad that I came across this site.. Never knew something this great even existed... awesome guys...awesome..

    Well.. in my early 30's now I got an interest in playing guitar... and am I not glad to find so much of stuff (hindi stuff) on this site..

    Great job guys.. I saw a few posts and am just too excited... can't wait to get my fingers rolling..

    Thanks for the good work and keep it up..

    Phreezed Phr00zen..
  2. phr00zen

    phr00zen New Member

    wow... 8 views and not a single Hi...:)
    Anywaz... Hi everyone .. who ever views my thread...:)
  3. anshphenomenon

    anshphenomenon Rape me :boff:

    welcome to IGT.
    hope u have a good time out here.
  4. me.debarun

    me.debarun New Member

    i hve been learning guitar since 3years and want to jam together in a group..can anyone help??plzz
  5. kenethseria

    kenethseria New Member

    Many of my peers wear skinny jeans, guys. in fact almost every one wear skinny jeans nowadays. however my parents completely object me of wearing them?? they say that skinny jeans ae meant for girls. i think they look good. but how can i convince my parents to allow me to wear them??lingerie online
  6. mymusicmyguitar

    mymusicmyguitar Active Member

    U wear what u want and on top of that u wear what ur parents want...Problem solved!!!!

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