Village life

Discussion in 'Poetry and Lyrics Forum' started by horsesmouth, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. horsesmouth

    horsesmouth Active Member

    Been to my native after a long gap of 5 years...

    I wondered if the village I'd been to
    is an ideal place for a life.
    Though there isn't money pouring down,
    there's happiness in the people's eyes.

    There even might be huts of straw,
    and sunlight pierces through the sheet.
    But the skies are reflected in the lake,
    where heaven and earth meet.

    The roads might not be rolled with tar,
    but the trains aren't crowded to suffocation.
    The men, their agrarian jobs to do,
    don't have to hurry in desperation.
    Argil being shaped by potters,
    look contended as you drive them by.
    You remember your life you left just a few days behind,
    and the same in a few days to come by.
  2. nandy0894

    nandy0894 New Member

    i wrote on the same theme .. a long ago..
    this is nice and true indeed.. good one..
  3. rickkkyrich

    rickkkyrich Guest

    Good one horsie... I so wanna go back to my native and never come back... I hope to find serenity sometime in my life...
    Is there any theme you've not written about?
  4. nandy0894

    nandy0894 New Member

    you thrashed me..!
    i am praying that its not sarcastic :!
    one another wrote..iv written over 200 poems i HAD TO cover different see.. :p
  5. rickkkyrich

    rickkkyrich Guest

    Oh no.. I was simply digging on you a bit.. :]
  6. nandy0894

    nandy0894 New Member

    haha.. :)
    je vois ..
  7. horsesmouth

    horsesmouth Active Member

    @nandy...great...please do post it...and thanks !
    @rikky...Yeah, first I thought I was gonna get bored, and I was wrong!
  8. monica_decosta

    monica_decosta Active Member

    i wont write "nice lines .. i feel its just one of those feelings one gets when he goes home ..and u expressed it neatly" .. Nah .. u are expected to be much much better Horseee.. unleash !!
  9. alpha1

    alpha1 I BLUES!

    You'll have to overcome the illusions spun by the society and the general social marketing to go back to the village.
  10. horsesmouth

    horsesmouth Active Member

    I don't believe we can ever make somebody go back to village, there's always a hope of a better life, with more options plus better hygiene. In contrast, rural life is monotonous.
  11. horsesmouth

    horsesmouth Active Member

    Thanks :) I havent been doiing much of poetry these days. This was like a rough attempt... I know its not very good... I'll surely be better next time..
  12. alpha1

    alpha1 I BLUES!

    Exactly what I wrote earlier.
  13. mermaid

    mermaid New Member

    Cool nice one!!! horsiiiiiiiiii :)
  14. horsesmouth

    horsesmouth Active Member

    thanks mermaid..

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